Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dieting is good.

     Diet is a control or regulation of the amount of types of food for each person consumes. Going on  dieting is good as it allows us to feel better, lose weight if that is what we are looking for and very important helps us to prevent the diseases that brings a bad diet. Being on a diet is good as long as it is a healthy and balanced diet full of all the specific portions that we should eat during the day.

Whole Bread Andrea Gomez Photos.
A diet including a good diet low in fat and high in proteins will allow us to prevent great diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure like other diseases. A good and healthy diet can consist of consuming foods of plant origin and avoiding the consumption of drinks full of sugar and fat, since avoiding these foods will help us to prevent those types of diseases that come from sugars.


Chicken Salad Andrea Gomez Photos.
     Since being on a dieting is good as it allows us to reduce serious diseases for our health, to feel better with ourselves, to have more energy since we are eating healthy and ingesting the due foods. It also gives us benefits to lose weight, because when we lose weight we can have a healthier body, feel better, avoid headaches, dizziness and feel better life to do things.  To get all this you have to do a diet based on few proportions eating 4 times a day accompanied by proteins and vegetables. 


To have a fun and good diet that does not become annoying. We must first have the desire to make a diet. For a good diet requires the consumption of all foods without eliminating any only reduce portions, of each meal and ingesting foods such as flours and sugars in a few portions and mostly in the morning since in the rest of the day we should eat carbohydrates full of fiber , Proteins and fruits.
Tuna, Avocado and Onions. Andrea Gomez Photos.

Every diet allows us to feel good with energies, wanting to always make things better. Since that is why it is good to be on a dieting and eat clean. Dieting is good as long as you do not eliminate food and make it fun as you enjoy each food.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Problems with people do not eat healthy.

 The well-being of a human begins with a healthy diet.  Consuming  all the necessary portions at the indicated times. Since if it follows a healthy balanced diet, and abuses of foods full of sugars and fats we can find ourselves with terrible diseases such as  hypertension, and diabetes. The solution to avoid this type of disease is to have a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy oils, proteins like chicken, fish, and also drinking lots of water at least 8 glasses of water daily, green tea and oatmeal water.   
Chicken with veggies- Andrea Gomez PHOTOS.

   If you do not follow a balanced diet and abuse the meals especially of the sugars as they are; Chocolates, all kinds of sodas, cakes with high of sugars in excess can arrive to appear a very bad disease as it is the diabetes is a chronic condition that is triggered when the body loses its ability to produce enough or  use efficacy. This disease although it does not seem of much importance if it is can get to leave the person very badly by the high levels of sugars that are in the blood and the overweight. This disease is located in the pancreas an organ near the stomach. The solution for this disease is to eat well as? Eating all the meals a day accompanying each meal of vegetables like; Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflower. White proteins such as chicken and white fish, healthy carbohydrates like quinoa, brown rice, good fats like mani, olive oil, mani butter and lots of fruits.

Chicken with spinach rice- Andrea Gomez Photos.
 If you exceed the levels of flour, and carbohydrates such as flour, pasta, breads, and rice. You eat them at all times without having a level of balance between them without realizing it can get you very serious damage to long can appear to a disease which is hypertension that is because of high levels of meal at certain times this disease is a chronic pathology that consists of the increase of the arterial pressure this disease. This disease is found in the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood to the body. This disease is caused by the amount of salt consumption in your meals, red meat since it has lots of fat, sodas, bacon, butter, breads and all kinds of flours. All these types of foods contain a high percentage of fats and carbohydrates since if you consume these in large amounts and frequently during the day you may get to notice this disease. The solution to avoid and improve hypertension is to have a diet full of many vegetables especially lettuce, spinach, zana, tomato, onion all green vegetables. As well as accompanying the diet of healthy proteins such as white meat chicken and fish. As also every morning before breakfast take a glass of oatmeal as the oats allow to lower the hypertension so high by the fiber that contains this food. Accompany this whole diet of at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Cucumber salad with pork-Andrea Gomez photos.
  To prevent all these diseases we must follow a fun and balanced nutrition. Full of foods in low calories and low levels of salt and fat that if without eliminating any food just eat in few proportions and have a diet full of vegetables, fibers, fruits and proteins to be able to follow a quiet and healthy life free of these diseases.